A Photographer's Right of Passage - ShopJeanPhotography.com

A Photographer's Right of Passage

Disclaimer - This is a subject that has been shared among seasoned photographer friends and I thought it'd be fun to share my own journey.  


Many moons ago, I worked as a film photographer. I had no idea of the overwhelming possibilities that digital photography had to offer until I was finally convinced by my husband that was the way the future was going. 

The switch was a huge learning curve but it unlocked an insane amount of creative possibilities. So, I began my digital photography journey and stayed in an over-processing state for a good number of years before realizing that less is more and that if there is more, to make it look like less. 

Here are just a few images from my journey and you have permission to laugh at my mishaps and even more so if you can relate. :) 


The "Artsy" Tilt - Don't stare too long or you will get a crick in your neck and you notice the nice sepia toning? 

Not only is she about to topple over, the neon hues of over saturating color might be blinding if printed. 

Yes, another tilt, but this one is much better. Are your eyes messing with you? No, the subject is completely out of focus....just look past that minor detail and you can see the beautiful house in the background crystal clear. 

Ohhhhh, selective color. That is all. 


My what bright and shiny eyes you have! This was a VERY short-lived post processing phase. 

Faded Color presents some very pale subjects and time to ease off that vignette!


Cross Processing, tilt, and heavy vignette. :) 


Intense Textures, Overlays, and Photoshoppin'




So there is a bit of the first half of my digital journey, now to show you some recent favorites from this past year to redeem myself. 









Did you have a trend or a certain thing you did in the beginning of your photography journey that makes you chuckle now?

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I do think that everything has a learning curve – and we never stop learning.
I appreciate seeing someone’s growth as a photographer as a series of photos like this – thank you for being open and brave in the sharing :) I also think that there are trends that just make their way through us all…..you see things like the faded color or the tilt and it seems like a fashion trend sometimes with clients requesting this or that in the editing process. Your work is beautiful and it would be nice to see you continue to grow and impact others. Thanks for sharing

Tonya Nelson-Moser

So glad to have your samples to learn from! Studying your work has been a blessing to quickly fix those beginner flaws :-) absolutely stunning!

Antonina Dunkin

Oh you know it! And probably better than any one else. Hehe. Loved perusing your recap. ♡

Life's Little Reflections

Can so relate with all of your early work. I cringe a little but totally know that I learned and found my style from all the selective color, sepia, vignette, tilted and random blurred images. 7 years is a lot of learning.


Thank you for sharing!! Giving me much hope to bettering myself! LOVE LOVE LOVE all of your work! :)


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