So, this week's inspiration comes from the super talented, Lindsay Faber Photography. Her work is soulful and inspiring and I am SO excited that she is sharing with us. Have a great weekend and be sure to show her some love!

How long have you been shooting and what inspired you to begin with?
I originally began shooting film in high school. I loved the whole process...shooting, fumbling around in the black bag trying to load the film into the developing canisters, and the smell of the dark room chemicals. Life happens so somewhere along the way I put down my camera but when I had my first baby in 2010 it screamed at me to pick it back up. A lot had changed...I had to figure out how to shoot with a dSLR rather than film...and that was just the beginning of this crazy all consuming but amazing obsession.

What is your current favorite image and why?
My current favourite image is of my oldest daughter sitting at the base of a tree amongst its roots. She was having a bit of an "off" day and was feeling sensitive and I think a bit insecure about her place in our family (we had recently had another baby). Something about the way she sat there and focused so intently on the flower seemingly carrying the weight of the world on her little shoulders broke my heart a little. It reminds me of just how vulnerable and precious our little ones are and how essential it is that we make them feel that they are important, cared for, and loved like crazy; so, because I FEEL so much when I look at it, it's my favourite.

Describe your work in three or four words.
OK this is/has always been tough for me but here goes: organic, simple, emotive (**yes...I am about the eleventy millionth photographer to use the word emotive to describe his/her may now throw rotten tomatoes at me)

What is in your camera bag and favorite lens to shoot with?
Nikon d700, Nikkor 50mm f1.4, Nikkor 105mm f2.0 DC. My favourite lens to shoot with is my 105mm...such gorgeous bokeh and fairly light.

How/Where do you find your inspiration and creativity?
This isn't very original but I find my inspiration in my girls. Observing and documenting childhood through my lens is truly an honour and I am inspired by all of it...sticky hands, golden curls, chubby baby feet, dimples (my girls have THE BEST dimples), little hands holding tight to one another, sleeping babes. All. Of. It. I am also kind of obsessed with capturing genuine connections which is why I love shooting families so much. Those "I love you with reckless abandon" moments = inspiration overload.

What are your current goals?
How long have you got? The most wonderful and utterly frustrating part about photography is that it is a journey (another original thought by yours truly). I know people say this all time...and there's a reason for that: it's true. So this year's goals include learning to master a wide angle lens (LOVE the look of wide angle photography and have been having fun playing around a bit here and there), learning new post processing techniques, shooting more frequently, and a bunch of boring business goals (I will spare you the details).

One word of wisdom that you would like to offer or encouragement to fellow photographers?

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