Sky Replacement Feature in Photoshop -

Sky Replacement Feature in Photoshop

How to add a sky in Photoshop

Technology is always moving, so there is no surprise that Adobe Photoshop has released a new feature with the latest update, Sky Replacement. 

I have created a video below on how to best use this new feature along with how it compares with adding the sky by hand. 

The Simple Steps to the Sky Replacement Feature 
  • Be sure you have the updated Photoshop (version 2021)
  • Open Photoshop and the image you would like to add a sky to
  • Go to your Menu and Edit
  • Scroll down the drop down menu of Edit and select Sky Replacement
  • Select the sky and Photoshop will automatically add it in. 
  • Adjust to desired effect and you are ready to go!

For more in depth instructions, please check out the video above.


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