Top Ten - Lifestyle

Oh my goodness . . . you all inspire me to do more lifestyle work! I scrolled and scrolled through all the amazing talent over and over. So many special moments and moving images. I went over the usually top ten share. I just couldn't narrow them down and on top of that, I still could have posted more. 

I also have two winners this week (so could you both ,msg me your email so I can send your starbucks' cards) 

This week's theme is "Laughter" and next week's theme is "Self-Portrait" to give you some time to think about what you want to do.


#1 - Betsy Davis Photography


#1 - Sarah Lung Photography

Savannah Lutrell

Amanda Neal


Katie Buck Photography


Cyndi Greenwalt


Mg Photography




and because I absolutely could not choose just ten this week, here are some more!

Lizzie Haro

JvSchultz Photography


Nicki's Photography

Echo Photography


Katie Blake Kitterman


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