If you are following along with the 52 Week Photo Challenge, last week’s theme was “LENS FLARE”.
The fabulous image featured above is by Laura Hazlewood.
Have you struggled with getting just the right amount of lens flare or shooting backlit images?
I have put together some tips that you can check out in THIS blog post.
All of the submissions with Lens Flare were so great in the group!
Here are this week’s challenge results. Thank you to everyone who shared your photos and congratulations to the Top 10!
Be sure to check out the current theme below and you still have to join in on the 52 Week Challenge.
I am sure you will be inspired by the images. If you don’t follow these photographers yet, be sure to check out their links and give them a follow.

Pigeon Toad Photography

Teresa Renee Rogers Photography

This week’s theme is Black & White