The theme for last week's 52 Week Photo Challenge was to take a picture a Monochrome image. What exactly does Monochrome mean in photography? This is where the photograph displays a single color or different shades of a single color and it can be a BW image or Color. All of the submissions were so good!
The fabulous portrait above is by Brook & Arrow Photography
Be sure to check out the current theme below and you still have to join in on the 52 Week Challenge. If you don’t follow these photographers yet, be sure to check out their links and give them a follow.
You can copy the badge below to share as well.
Deb Hattersley Daigle
Laura Webb Photography
Sherri Cox
Pigeon Toad Photography
Marie Schaller
Capturing the Light
Megan Hodge Photography
Reynada Head
This week's theme is HANDS