7 Common Photography Questions Answered - ShopJeanPhotography.com

7 Common Photography Questions Answered

I get asked on a pretty regular basis on what photo editing software I use, what lenses I use, who I use for prints, etc... so I thought I would put together some answers and frequently asked questions in one spot. 

If you are just starting out, I hope this helps a bit! I am an affiliate with some of the companies I am listing below because I love and use them myself, so please be sure to use the referral links below. 

1. What photo editing software do I use? 

Adobe Photoshop / Creative Cloud

I use Adobe Creative Cloud, this is just under $10 a month and includes both Photoshop and Lightroom. While I do most of my editing in Photoshop, Lightroom is a great resource to use when I am editing a lot of pictures and only doing lighter edits. I use Photoshop primarily because the possibilities of being creative in it are neverending.

To use my products such as the actions and overlays, you will need  Adobe Photoshop Creative Cloud (or Adobe Photoshop CS6). I do have some resources for Photoshop Elements and for Lightroom as well.


2. What camera do I recommend? 

I shoot with (and love) my Nikon D810 currently and it is a full frame camera. There are lots of cameras out there and if you are starting out, I recommend a DSLR. This is a digital camera that gives you the option to change lenses. Nikon, Canon, and Sony are all great brands to start out with. 

 photoshop actions

3. What lenses do I use for portrait photography? 

Honestly, my lenses change with what type of sessions I am shooting. I will say that I typically shoot every session with a wide angle option (my 24-70mm 2.8) and a prime lens. (85mm 1.8, 105mm 1.4)

If you currently have a 50mm (which is what I started out with) or even a kit lens, you can rock with what you have got until you are able to get one of the lenses I mentioned above. I also recommend renting lenses to get a feeling of what you want. 

lightroom presets


Photoshop is a big program, how do I get started? 

Do you have Photoshop and feel overwhelmed with it? I created Photoshop Basics to simplify the editing process and make it easier to get around in Photoshop. I definitely recommend this course before taking any other courses as this is going to give you the tools you need to get started. 

photoshop tutorials

Not a beginner? I have more advanced editing workshops such as the Create Workshop that will push your creativity the next level as well as I share a monthly creative edit for ProMembers. 


4. Who do I order my photo prints through? 

I use a few different places for prints and the first I will highlight is Artifact Uprising. I cannot get enough of the square prints, I love them so much!! I also recommend mpix.com.

lightroom presets

As far as canvases, what I have mainly on my own walls are Canvas on Demand canvases and I have a lot of them as I have a huge obsession with big canvases on my walls. :) 

5. Who do I recommend for online photo galleries? 

I use ShootProof and love them. This is how I present my online galleries as well as deliver digital images to my clients.

lightroom presets


6. How do I add skies in photoshop?

I do share a great tutorial here for our subscribers. 

photoshop overlays

7. What are actions and presets? 

I share a more in depth look at actions and presets HERE and I do have actions and presets available for Photoshop, Lightroom, and Photoshop Elements



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