Tool's For Photographers

Tips for Capturing Details -

Tips for Capturing Details

A huge thank you to Chelsea from A Spoonful of Whimsy Photography for sharing her tips on capturing details in your daily life.  Hello! My name is Chelsea and I’m...

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Tips for Capturing Details

A huge thank you to Chelsea from A Spoonful of Whimsy Photography for sharing her tips on capturing details in your daily life.  Hello! My name is Chelsea and I’m...

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What is the Best Software for Editing Photos? -

What is the Best Software for Editing Photos?

If you do a search for photo editing software, you might get overwhelmed by all the choices you will find. There are more options than there was when I started...

What is the Best Software for Editing Photos?

If you do a search for photo editing software, you might get overwhelmed by all the choices you will find. There are more options than there was when I started...

10 Common Questions I Get As A Photographer -
Free Watercolor Effect -

Free Watercolor Effect

I decided to jump on the watercolor train with some of my free time. I have included a free download below as well as some instructions on how to use. ...

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Free Watercolor Effect

I decided to jump on the watercolor train with some of my free time. I have included a free download below as well as some instructions on how to use. ...

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How to Add Blur in Photoshop -

How to Add Blur in Photoshop

Creating Background Blur Adding blur to an image doesn't have to be a difficult process. Here is an easy and short tutorial on how to add background blur to your...

How to Add Blur in Photoshop

Creating Background Blur Adding blur to an image doesn't have to be a difficult process. Here is an easy and short tutorial on how to add background blur to your...